“Coaches have used my “RICE” guideline for decades, but now it appears that both Ice and complete Rest may delay healing, instead of helping.” – Gabe Mirkin, MD, March 2014 Gabe Mirkin MD is the man who coined the term “R.I.C.E.” (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) back in 1978 in the best selling Sportmedicine Book. He has now […]
The boxes are finally unpacked and we’ll be seeing patients Monday morning at 3620 South Park Drive. The new space offers a manual therapy clinic adjacent to Wright Training’s 3000 sq foot functional strength and conditioning facility. Peak Bodywork is passionate in helping you Return to Sport following injury. Pain and injury compromise your ability to […]
The Reach Under is a fantastic Reactive Neuromuscular Training exercise that will help you to learn how to stabilize the shoulder girdle, core and lumbopelvic hip complex. Don’t under estimate the effectiveness of simple movements like the Reach Under and Bird Dog. The idea behind these movements is to create a “sensory rich” position that challenges […]
We’ll be training in new a facility starting 2.17.14. See you at 3620 South Park Drive off hwy 89 in the South Park Business Complex.
The Corrective Box is used to help athletes learn what a neutral spine feels like during a squat. It a fantastic tool to re-train the squat pattern and can be used to correct the hyperextended as well as the flexed or rounded back squaters as long as the issue is a motor control problem and […]
The tall kneeling Anti-Rotation Press is reactive stability exercise that forces the core and lumbo-pelvic hip complex to do their job. What I love about this type of exercise is that they are self correcting. Meaning, if you aren’t using the right muscles at the right time in the correct order you will fall […]
The McGill Curl Up is a great abdominal exercise that not only helps to strengthen the abdominal muscles but also help to generate thoracic flexibility and lumbo-pelvic stability. Similar to the Pilates Upper Ab Curl the McGill Curl Up asks you to lift the vertebra one by one off the floor starting with a slight […]
The Supraspinatus, is littlest of the 4 Rotator Cuff muscles and is often a source of pain and dysfunction in the shoulder joint. This muscle is located above the spine of the shoulder blade. To find this muscle on yourself, place your hand on top of your opposite shoulder. With your finger tips pointing down […]
Outside Magazine just published an article IS CROSSFIT KILLING US? The CrossFit backlash is in full swing—led by a long list of injured participants. While the title is rather dramatic since I really don’t think anyone is dying doing CrossFit, the point is why are we getting hurt doing an activity that is suppose to make us […]
The hip abductors are located on the lateral portion of the hip and pull your leg out to the side like a “fire hydrant” position. These muscles often harbor trigger points. Using a ball (tennis or lacrosse) pinned under these muscles in side-lying position will create the needed compression to help dissolve these areas of […]